Sunday, November 8, 2009

16 Weeks

Emily has now reached 16 weeks of age!

For the first time this week, she has rolled over from her back to her belly, yet can't get back the way she came. All of her 0-3 month clothes have been packed away...with a few outfits being kept for the cuteness factor. She talks constantly and likes to hold on to toys. At her appointment at 14 weeks she was almost 13 pounds and 24 inches long.

She still can't get her clock straight, thought she sleeps all night, night starts at about 2am. I'm glad I work from home, I can't imagine having to get up, get her to a sitter and get myself to work. This week, on November 4th, her new best buddy joined the world: Caroline Elizabeth. We already have matching outfits for the girls, and it will be fun to take pictures. Hopefully they get along when they're older!

That's all for now!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

12 weeks old!

Emily is turning 12 weeks old!

She weighs about 11 pounds and isn't a fan of being on her tummy. She still sleeps through the night like always and continues to be a very happy baby. This coming weekend we'll be taking her on her first road trip to ames to go to Bret and Lindsey's wedding. We expect her to meet a lot of new people who have been wanting too see her for a long time.

It's been business as usual here, as Kyle and I have both resumed normal work routines now. I recently took a position as Editor in Chief for a travel magazine and am really excited to see where that goes. Emily will soon be going up to size 2 diapers, as she's growing like a weed.

There's not a whole lot to report, so that's all for now!


Monday, September 14, 2009

8 weeks old!

My Emmyloo has turned 8 weeks old today. Today is her last day in size 0 diapers, as I only have a few left before I open the packs of size 1. It's kinda sad, but that's how it goes! She weighs 10.5 pounds and drinks about 4-5 ounces per feeding. She's starting to actually fit into some of her clothes, but just in time for the weather to start turning I'm afraid some of the cute little outfits might just go to waste.

Yesterday she watched her first Packer's game with her daddy, and they actually won! Hopefully she'll appreciate football more than I do. So far I've lost 20 pounds since having her, but there's still plenty more weight to drop. The bad thing about not having morning sickness is that I continued to eat and eat and eat.....then eat some more! I'll know better for next time I suppose.

She sleeps 8-9 hours a night, which is crazy but I let her sleep as long as she wants. I figure if she's hungry, she'd wake up and let me know. She smiles all the time now and really loves to watch the fish aquarium on the TV. I couldn't have asked for a better baby. I hope her good attitude follows her through the years...especially the teens.

That's all for now!

The Cooneys

Monday, August 24, 2009

The first month of Emily

Emily has been a great baby. She continues to want to sleep 5-6 hours at night between feedings and usually goes right back to sleep for another 3-4. I think her sleep patterns save me from being insane. At 3 weeks and 5 days, I got her to smile for the first time out of being happy, not just gas. She's starting to lose that dark hair she was born with, and I'm interested to see what grows in. Her eyes are blue and I'm sure they'll be staying that way.

The only thing that sucks so far was my ability to nurse her. I just never produced enough, and it's daily fight just to even get a half ounce of my milk to her, for the sake of anti-bodies and all that good stuff. I don't know why it never came in, but I guess similac is good enough!

She's so lean that she doesn't fit into many of her cute outfits, just onesies, but I'm getting her pictures taken Friday, so I'll have to find something cute to put her in. She loves to sleep in her bassinette but hates her crib at this point, I think she senses that it's just too big for her!

So that's my first month!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Emily Christine has Arrived!

This is my birth story....if you don't want to read it because of "gore" factor...don't worry, there really isn't any of that..and this story is not meant to scare anyone!

8 days past my due date, my contractions, which had been on and off and never regular for 6 days finally starting coming at about 3-5 mins apart. So at about 8 in the morning, I asked Kyle to please contact the midwife. We all agreed it was in my best interest to get to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, I was really happy to find out I was 8 cm dilated. I never did know when my water broke, but I imagine it was sometime when I was in the jacuzzi tub..which was really nice. I was feeling all of my contractions in my back, which is never very fun, yet I endured. after a pretty easy 4 hours, it was time to start pushing.

I knew that she was not facing the right way and that I would be dealing with a possible posterior or occiput transverse birth. The back labor was a big alarm to me that this was a reality. It was a slow hour of pushing went by...she moved down but not much. After the second hour of pushing, my midwife had to get the doctor to analyze my situation. We all agreed that I was making progress, though slow and that when a baby is turned to the side a bit with the head possibly's just a bit more difficult to birth them. I was still determined..the doctor let us be and I was relieved that a C-section wasn't in the plan.

My midwife saw my exhaustion and suggested starting an IV on me, I didn't have one hooked up, but she said she thought some fluids and perhaps some pitocin would boost my contractions and help me push more efficiantly. I knew that once there was an IV in me it would be really easy for me to ask for some drugs to relieve the back pain, and believe me...3 hours into the pushing I told her I was starting to fall and that I was thinking about something to help with the back ache. However, something in my mind told me that if I got ANY drugs, it would relax me, not help me and I would not be able to get that baby out and at this point, I could see her head with each push. The never did end up giving me that pitocin until after the birth to help with hemmoraging.

Another hour went by, and into hour 4, my midwife called the doctor back. We decided that I needed an episiotomy and a vacuum to help get her out and rescue me from the hours of pushing. I wasn't happy...but I was ready to let them help because I was wearing down. I didn't want any of that intervention .....the doctor watched me through a few contractions and decided that the vacuum wasn't necessary, with a small episiotomy, it would be just enough room to get her sideways head through...which was kind of nice to know. However...with the episiotomy just a contraction or two away, my baby turned to face down and flew right out!!!! I needed no intervention and I birthed my baby within 9 hours and no drugs. I NEVER EVER had the want for an epidural, though after about 3 hours of pushing I was ready for some pain meds, though I didn't take it during the birth, once she was out, I let them know I was ready for my tylenol 3's!

Crowning did not hurt me at all...I think I was so happy to feel her crown, knowing that I was able to do it, that pain did not register with me. They put her on my belly and I remember taking my hand which was covered in IV tubes to touch her little head. She was quickly whisked away because just as soon as she was coming out, she decided to use the restroom and needed to make sure none was in her airway. I remember Kyle saying "there's our baby!" and me tiredly smiling at him. I was so happy to hold her and to be done! It was quite an experience, but I suppose it was pretty empowering. There was no denying that I was VERY exhausted. She took alot of power to bring her into the world.

At 6:08pm she was born, weighing in at 7.5 pounds and 21 inches long. Blue eyes and brown hair. At birth, she looked just like Kyle, but now, at almost 2 weeks old, she has morphed into a stronger resemblence to me. She's great and sleeps through most of the night. I have to wake her just to get her to eat. She's perfect!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The bun is done cooking!

I am officially 40 is my due date. No baby but we'll take it a day at a time. I am very well aware that most first time moms go past their estimated due date. I'm trying to be as patient as possible but I can't help wanting to get the show on the road.

I think I'm done posting pictures of me for now. I got the PUPPPS extremely bad and I've been very uncomfortable. It's a pregnancy rash that affects first timers, so hopefully this isn't something I'll have to deal with again. It's all over my legs and belly and today it has started to appear on my arms. It has been by far the worst experience during this pregnancy. Nothing can actually cure it but to have the baby. So I'm looking forward to getting the show on the road.

I don't know when she's coming out, but I hope it's soon...for my sake =)
I do have to say that this pregnancy despite this puppps incident has been really great. But, I am ready to be done for sure, as most women at this stage are! Hopefully my next post will be one that announces the baby!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

39 weeks

Well here we are at 39 weeks and 2 days. I have no clue when she's coming, but I assume she'll come when she's good and ready! More has been added to the nursery as well as to my stomach, ankles and basically all over me! I'm pretty swollen these days and getting around is getting a bit more difficult. I just keep telling myself that in a week it will hopefully all be over.

I'll update some pictures and be out for now. Maybe this will be the last time I write while she's on the inside!

This picture is close to 38 weeks.

. Elwood admires the mobile.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Nursery Goodness!!

Well, we're just starting week 37. I don't have a new picture of me yet, but I look a lot like week 34 still...I'll get another one up this week!

The nursery is coming along nicely and we'd love to share some pictures. It's almost complete, some stuff isn't in it's final spot and my mother hasn't finished the curtains quite yet. But in general with a few extras still to come, the nursery is in a less chaotic stage and is looking more like a comfortable place to put a baby. Here's some pictures!

We're getting close to our guess date! I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

34 weeks!!

Well, 34 weeks is just about over and I can't believe we're just a few short weeks away. We've started the nursery. It's not much right now, just some boring white walls and torn down wall border, but it will get there.

I do believe I've hit the 200 pound point, so that's just TONS of fun. I am feeling good, though the heartburn, restless leg syndrome and big swollen feet tend to slow me down. Kyle is absolutely worn out. He works all day, then comes home and helps around the house, especially with getting the nursery ready. I wish there was something I could do to help him, but I'm pretty useless at this point.

We had our baby shower near the end of May and it was really fun! It was so nice to see so many of my family and friends as well as Kyle's. We got some very thoughtful gifts and I've finally been getting the Thank Yous out this week.

A lot of people are starting to ask if I'm getting tired of being pregnant and in a way yes because I'd really like to meet my baby, I'm a very impatient person. But on the otherhand, No because I enjoy being pregnant. It's a great excuse to put your feet up and eat a big bowl of ice cream!

I'll post my 34 week pictures and promise to try and write more frequently now that I'm getting closer to my guess date. Thanks for stopping by!

Cari and Kyle and Baby Emily

Thursday, May 7, 2009

30 weeks!

Well folks, here we are, 30 weeks and still going great! We had a great trip to Des Moines to see some fun 3d/4d pictures of our little Emily and WOW, she's very cute looking and very much a Cooney, she's got a very strong resemblence to her father, but most babies do. That's her below!!

We were able to visit with our friends in Ames (Bart and Lindsay) and see their new Chiro looks great! We also got to stop by and say hello to the family I nannied for last year. It was so good to see all 3 kids again--I think the older 2 actually remembered me! They're growing so fast too, makes me realize that the moments Kyle and I spend with our child are short lived, so we should probably make the most of it.

We also got to have dinner with one of my best friends Jill and her husband Jason. Jason can certainly bake a cake!

Ok back to the baby planning. Our couple's shower is May 17th and I hope to see people there I haven't seen in a while! I got the crib and the wall paper border, so we're getting close. Once the carpet is laid in the master bedroom and the windows are installed, we'll be good to go, and all of that should be happening within the next 3 weeks. I'm trying to be productive as possible, but it's hard when there are BIG things holding me back, like flooring and windows.

Cari and Kyle

Sunday, April 12, 2009

27 Weeks

This is just a reminder for who ever is reading this for the first time, it will show you the most current blog and work backwards, so if you want to start from the beginning, either click an earlier date from last year on the right side of the screen, or start scrolling down!

I am 27 weeks pregnant. 27 is my lucky number, so I hope on Wednesday when I go to get my gestational diabetes test AND my RhoGam injection, both go smoothly and with little discomfort to me...not to mention, I'd really like to pass the glucose test!! It's not a surprise to those who know me that I'm terrified of needles. I don't even know why I'm scared, I've never been hurt nor had a bad experience. It's a completely psycological thing I've got working against me, but my Hypnobabies therapy is helping me work through it.

A lot of people are asking what the RhoGam shot is. This is something you get only if you test RH negative, meaning your blood type is O, A, B or AB-. I happen to be O negative, which was a surprise to me, as my mother got the shot because at birth I was O positive. So, one of two things happened. I either changed my RH status, which happens or they typed me wrong. Either way, the RhoGam shot protects me and subsequent babies from mixing my negative blood with their positive blood. Should little Emily choose to have a positive blood type, I'll just get another shot the day after I give birth, no biggie. After all of that...who cares about a needle.

What's going on with me? Well, not much. My body is slowing me down and my nights have become a little restless, but I'm doing really well. It's still what I'd call a "pleasant" experience. She sleeps a lot, and is awake at regular times through the day. She can open her eyes and respond to sound now. I'll give her a holler if I sense she's awake, and sure enough, she'll kick. I've got a little more than a baby bump going on, but it's all good. No, we haven't started the nursery yet, but we do think we've got it all figured out.

So at this point, I'd tell anyone that my pregnancy so far has been very easy and very pleasant. The Internet is a pregnant woman's nightmare. Stay away from pregnancy websites that over analyze everything. I even stopped reading: what to expect when you're expecting. It's just chapter after chapter of "what can go wrong now." I don't need the extra stress. At this stage, I can still freely say " I could do this again." Check in with me in a few more weeks =)

So I'll leave you be with the latest picture, take care!

26 weeks and a few odd days along!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

22 weeks

Well 22 weeks has almost come and gone. We found out on Feb. 26th that we are having a girl!! Kyle and I both knew we were having a girl, so it really was no surprise. She was "head down" for the ultrasound and we got nice clear pictures of everything. She has a nice looking brain, spine, heart and sweet little face.

If you've never had an ultrasound, you may look at pictures and think "gee it looks just like an X-ray." It is really more 3D than that...she turned and looked at us during the procedure and both Kyle and I looked at each other...we were shocked how much she looked just like him. It's almost creepy! But she looked really good and that's all that matters.

I get kicked about a billion times a day now, and finally starting to get used to it. She's "gunna be a soccer player." Kyle thinks he may have felt a kick, but who can say? Sometimes she must get an extreme boost of energy...I see my stomach go up when she kicks.

We went to Target to register for our items. There are some really great baby items I hope to have, whether I get them myself of as shower gifts. We've settled on a nursery theme...we're doing a Butterfly Garden. The colors are all shades of pastels. I think she'll like that. And if the ultrasound tech was wrong and she's a boy, then well just he'll just have to learn to love butterflies! We'll be getting another ultrasound in April...those fun 3D ones. I look forward to seeing those pictures.

So I'll get going now, I'll post a picture of the ultrasound. She's about 5 months "old" in this picture and she is laying on her back with the top of her head at the bottom right of the screen. She has her mouth open, either smiling or yawning and you can see just how much she looks like Kyle

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

20 weeks and counting

Well, if I wasn't sure I was feeling baby move a week ago, I certainly am now. I got kicked SO hard tonight that I couldn't believe it was from such a small baby. I am just a few days over 5 months and I'm doing really well. Thursday Feb 26th is the Ultrasound and we're looking forward to getting all the medical results back (which will probably be normal.) and of course getting a peek at what we're having. I'm not one for surprises.

I believe Kyle is having a sympathetic pregnancy with me. He often complains about his stomach hurting for unknown reasons and his appetite is matching mine. He thinks he's having one too. His Daddy to be book told him it's OK to experience this, and he's doing fine, it's pretty funny. He still has heartburn really bad, but I haven't really had any at this point, which is funny because right before I was pregnant, I was having it almost constantly for a few months. I think diet has a lot to do with it.

My last appointment was last Thursday and it went really well. I am up about 12 lbs total weight gained, and the midwife said that's perfectly fine. I bet 12 more and then some will sneak its way into the picture. Speaking of pictures, I'll go ahead and post my 20 week/5 month shot and then I'll be signing off for now!

Take care!

The Cooneys

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

16 weeks and 3 days.

Today I am into my 4th month and everything is going really well. Today I think I actually felt some sort of movement. This evening I was laying down watching TV when I felt a strange bump, quickly followed by another bump. They were subtle, but it could be the baby saying hello.

In about 3 weeks, I will go in for another check and and we'll schedule my first and most likely only ultrasound. I'm interested to see pictures of the critter on the monitor. I have a doppler at home, so I'm able to hear the heart whenever I want to. It beats at about 150 beats a min. I took a picture. I decided not to post pictures at 10 weeks or 12 weeks or whatever because there was really nothing to show. You guys can just all assume my stomach was semi-flat before I hit my second trimester. =)

So there it is...that picture was taken last week, right at about the 16 week mark. So it's business as usual. Kyle has been working his usual hours, taking on his many projects and I have been on a huge project for a while, content writing for a few big companies. I don't see a slow down anytime soon, but come July, I'll have to re-think my priorities and take it down a notch. Till then, we just work on getting the condo ready. We have plenty to keep us busy.

So that's all for now. Don't forget to make your guess at our baby pool, the link is in the first blog.

Cari and Kyle

Monday, January 5, 2009

The First One of Many


For those of you who aren't aware, Kyle and I are expecting our first child on July 12th 2009. We found out very early on in the pregnancy, so it's been a fun few first months. At this point, I am 13 weeks or 3 months and one week pregnant. Depending on the website you visit, I am in the beginning of my second trimester, or the late first.

We don't care about boy or girl...just as long as it's one of them. We're doing a really fun baby pool at so if you haven't been there yet, you should go! I've already had a few appointments with my midwife, yes I am using a midwife, not a regular doctor. I don't believe in lots of medical intervention and OBs are trained during labor their natural desire is to cut you open to get your baby out. No thanks.

A lot of people are asking since I am using a midwife, if I will be having my baby at home. I can tell you NO. I don't want to clean up that mess, plus having the baby in a hospital with the help of a midwife will keep unecessary intervention away unless it's actually needed. At this point, I am trying not to use any drugs during delivery. We'll see how far I get!

In another month or so, we'll be able to find out the gender of the baby, and yes, I will be finding out. I want to know for sure if I need to buy blue or pink. Yellow and Green are such ugly neutral colors. Hopefully we'll only have to do one ultrasound to figure out what's in there, I've been lucky enough to have everything else go very well. No morning sickness!!

My time in my regular jeans are done but you really can't tell by looking at me that I'm pregnant, I will start posting pictures soon so that people can see me progress from normal to monster sized!

Take Care,
Cari and Kyle