Sunday, August 2, 2009

Emily Christine has Arrived!

This is my birth story....if you don't want to read it because of "gore" factor...don't worry, there really isn't any of that..and this story is not meant to scare anyone!

8 days past my due date, my contractions, which had been on and off and never regular for 6 days finally starting coming at about 3-5 mins apart. So at about 8 in the morning, I asked Kyle to please contact the midwife. We all agreed it was in my best interest to get to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, I was really happy to find out I was 8 cm dilated. I never did know when my water broke, but I imagine it was sometime when I was in the jacuzzi tub..which was really nice. I was feeling all of my contractions in my back, which is never very fun, yet I endured. after a pretty easy 4 hours, it was time to start pushing.

I knew that she was not facing the right way and that I would be dealing with a possible posterior or occiput transverse birth. The back labor was a big alarm to me that this was a reality. It was a slow hour of pushing went by...she moved down but not much. After the second hour of pushing, my midwife had to get the doctor to analyze my situation. We all agreed that I was making progress, though slow and that when a baby is turned to the side a bit with the head possibly's just a bit more difficult to birth them. I was still determined..the doctor let us be and I was relieved that a C-section wasn't in the plan.

My midwife saw my exhaustion and suggested starting an IV on me, I didn't have one hooked up, but she said she thought some fluids and perhaps some pitocin would boost my contractions and help me push more efficiantly. I knew that once there was an IV in me it would be really easy for me to ask for some drugs to relieve the back pain, and believe me...3 hours into the pushing I told her I was starting to fall and that I was thinking about something to help with the back ache. However, something in my mind told me that if I got ANY drugs, it would relax me, not help me and I would not be able to get that baby out and at this point, I could see her head with each push. The never did end up giving me that pitocin until after the birth to help with hemmoraging.

Another hour went by, and into hour 4, my midwife called the doctor back. We decided that I needed an episiotomy and a vacuum to help get her out and rescue me from the hours of pushing. I wasn't happy...but I was ready to let them help because I was wearing down. I didn't want any of that intervention .....the doctor watched me through a few contractions and decided that the vacuum wasn't necessary, with a small episiotomy, it would be just enough room to get her sideways head through...which was kind of nice to know. However...with the episiotomy just a contraction or two away, my baby turned to face down and flew right out!!!! I needed no intervention and I birthed my baby within 9 hours and no drugs. I NEVER EVER had the want for an epidural, though after about 3 hours of pushing I was ready for some pain meds, though I didn't take it during the birth, once she was out, I let them know I was ready for my tylenol 3's!

Crowning did not hurt me at all...I think I was so happy to feel her crown, knowing that I was able to do it, that pain did not register with me. They put her on my belly and I remember taking my hand which was covered in IV tubes to touch her little head. She was quickly whisked away because just as soon as she was coming out, she decided to use the restroom and needed to make sure none was in her airway. I remember Kyle saying "there's our baby!" and me tiredly smiling at him. I was so happy to hold her and to be done! It was quite an experience, but I suppose it was pretty empowering. There was no denying that I was VERY exhausted. She took alot of power to bring her into the world.

At 6:08pm she was born, weighing in at 7.5 pounds and 21 inches long. Blue eyes and brown hair. At birth, she looked just like Kyle, but now, at almost 2 weeks old, she has morphed into a stronger resemblence to me. She's great and sleeps through most of the night. I have to wake her just to get her to eat. She's perfect!

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