Thursday, January 13, 2011

18 months...

No where close to being able to handle another one of Emily running around the house!

She now enjoys coloring and hugging and kissing everything, making sure to say "Me Nice" after. She's barely 22 pounds and some change. Her hair is getting wild though!

Kyle is still at his new job and seems to like it. I am still copywriting away and assisting women as a birth doula. Our cats are still not willing to accept Emily as a part of the family. Well, Fred does---as best he can.

Hoping next spring we list this house and get out of here. This condo is starting to feel a little cramped.

Emily's favorite foods at this time are:
Bananas (Nanas)
Pizza (Peeeesha)
Pasta ( Pata)
Pie (Pie)

Her favorite little sayings are:
Oh No!
I mada meh (I made a mess)
All Done
What's that (which she has said since she was 8 months old)
Me Nice

She continues to be best friends with Abby Cadabby, Elmo, Eebee, Barney and Caillou.