Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Nursery Goodness!!

Well, we're just starting week 37. I don't have a new picture of me yet, but I look a lot like week 34 still...I'll get another one up this week!

The nursery is coming along nicely and we'd love to share some pictures. It's almost complete, some stuff isn't in it's final spot and my mother hasn't finished the curtains quite yet. But in general with a few extras still to come, the nursery is in a less chaotic stage and is looking more like a comfortable place to put a baby. Here's some pictures!

We're getting close to our guess date! I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

34 weeks!!

Well, 34 weeks is just about over and I can't believe we're just a few short weeks away. We've started the nursery. It's not much right now, just some boring white walls and torn down wall border, but it will get there.

I do believe I've hit the 200 pound point, so that's just TONS of fun. I am feeling good, though the heartburn, restless leg syndrome and big swollen feet tend to slow me down. Kyle is absolutely worn out. He works all day, then comes home and helps around the house, especially with getting the nursery ready. I wish there was something I could do to help him, but I'm pretty useless at this point.

We had our baby shower near the end of May and it was really fun! It was so nice to see so many of my family and friends as well as Kyle's. We got some very thoughtful gifts and I've finally been getting the Thank Yous out this week.

A lot of people are starting to ask if I'm getting tired of being pregnant and in a way yes because I'd really like to meet my baby, I'm a very impatient person. But on the otherhand, No because I enjoy being pregnant. It's a great excuse to put your feet up and eat a big bowl of ice cream!

I'll post my 34 week pictures and promise to try and write more frequently now that I'm getting closer to my guess date. Thanks for stopping by!

Cari and Kyle and Baby Emily