Sunday, July 12, 2009

The bun is done cooking!

I am officially 40 is my due date. No baby but we'll take it a day at a time. I am very well aware that most first time moms go past their estimated due date. I'm trying to be as patient as possible but I can't help wanting to get the show on the road.

I think I'm done posting pictures of me for now. I got the PUPPPS extremely bad and I've been very uncomfortable. It's a pregnancy rash that affects first timers, so hopefully this isn't something I'll have to deal with again. It's all over my legs and belly and today it has started to appear on my arms. It has been by far the worst experience during this pregnancy. Nothing can actually cure it but to have the baby. So I'm looking forward to getting the show on the road.

I don't know when she's coming out, but I hope it's soon...for my sake =)
I do have to say that this pregnancy despite this puppps incident has been really great. But, I am ready to be done for sure, as most women at this stage are! Hopefully my next post will be one that announces the baby!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

39 weeks

Well here we are at 39 weeks and 2 days. I have no clue when she's coming, but I assume she'll come when she's good and ready! More has been added to the nursery as well as to my stomach, ankles and basically all over me! I'm pretty swollen these days and getting around is getting a bit more difficult. I just keep telling myself that in a week it will hopefully all be over.

I'll update some pictures and be out for now. Maybe this will be the last time I write while she's on the inside!

This picture is close to 38 weeks.

. Elwood admires the mobile.