Tuesday, February 24, 2009

20 weeks and counting

Well, if I wasn't sure I was feeling baby move a week ago, I certainly am now. I got kicked SO hard tonight that I couldn't believe it was from such a small baby. I am just a few days over 5 months and I'm doing really well. Thursday Feb 26th is the Ultrasound and we're looking forward to getting all the medical results back (which will probably be normal.) and of course getting a peek at what we're having. I'm not one for surprises.

I believe Kyle is having a sympathetic pregnancy with me. He often complains about his stomach hurting for unknown reasons and his appetite is matching mine. He thinks he's having one too. His Daddy to be book told him it's OK to experience this, and he's doing fine, it's pretty funny. He still has heartburn really bad, but I haven't really had any at this point, which is funny because right before I was pregnant, I was having it almost constantly for a few months. I think diet has a lot to do with it.

My last appointment was last Thursday and it went really well. I am up about 12 lbs total weight gained, and the midwife said that's perfectly fine. I bet 12 more and then some will sneak its way into the picture. Speaking of pictures, I'll go ahead and post my 20 week/5 month shot and then I'll be signing off for now!

Take care!

The Cooneys

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