Monday, July 12, 2010

Months 10 and 11....countdown to ONE!

Because of my mobile child, less time to be on the computer! But, for months 10 and 11, we learned a bunch of fun things!

She does not like hot dogs, eggs or mashed potatoes.
On June 14th, she was standing up looking out the window, then turned towards me and took one step! Now, in a matter of less than a month, she walks across the room, but is still pretty quick to fall down.

I thought she learned to welcome Kyle home by saying "Hiiii dadddayyyy." But she says it to the vacuum, Elmo and this morning she said it to a can of Mountain Dew. Oh well, we're getting there!

She learned to say puppy, but doesn't say it often and when she does it sounds more like "Happy." She is also learning to drink whole milk, but still prefers the nasty taste of formula.

When I ask her how old she is, she holds one finger up, then prompty claps! One year is almost here. Today was my due date last year. I had absolutely NO sign that labor was coming. I was prepared to wait it out, but thought perhaps an extra few days...not 8 DAYS! My how time does fly! She's even getting her molars in. She has 12 teeth (if not more that I can't see.)

As for baby #2....ugh. I just want to enjoy this one while she's young. We don't plan on having another one until we move out of the condo and Emily is old enough to help out. I just couldn't handle 2 kids in diapers! It's sad this is the last time I will write before my little baby (that I feel like I had just yesterday) is 1 whole year old. It blew by. Late night nursings and size NB diapers seem a million years behind me. Sunrise...Sunset!

Cari, Kyle and Emily (our big, little girl).

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