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I am 27 weeks pregnant. 27 is my lucky number, so I hope on Wednesday when I go to get my gestational diabetes test AND my RhoGam injection, both go smoothly and with little discomfort to me...not to mention, I'd really like to pass the glucose test!! It's not a surprise to those who know me that I'm terrified of needles. I don't even know why I'm scared, I've never been hurt nor had a bad experience. It's a completely psycological thing I've got working against me, but my Hypnobabies therapy is helping me work through it.
A lot of people are asking what the RhoGam shot is. This is something you get only if you test RH negative, meaning your blood type is O, A, B or AB-. I happen to be O negative, which was a surprise to me, as my mother got the shot because at birth I was O positive. So, one of two things happened. I either changed my RH status, which happens or they typed me wrong. Either way, the RhoGam shot protects me and subsequent babies from mixing my negative blood with their positive blood. Should little Emily choose to have a positive blood type, I'll just get another shot the day after I give birth, no biggie. After all of that...who cares about a needle.
What's going on with me? Well, not much. My body is slowing me down and my nights have become a little restless, but I'm doing really well. It's still what I'd call a "pleasant" experience. She sleeps a lot, and is awake at regular times through the day. She can open her eyes and respond to sound now. I'll give her a holler if I sense she's awake, and sure enough, she'll kick. I've got a little more than a baby bump going on, but it's all good. No, we haven't started the nursery yet, but we do think we've got it all figured out.
So at this point, I'd tell anyone that my pregnancy so far has been very easy and very pleasant. The Internet is a pregnant woman's nightmare. Stay away from pregnancy websites that over analyze everything. I even stopped reading: what to expect when you're expecting. It's just chapter after chapter of "what can go wrong now." I don't need the extra stress. At this stage, I can still freely say " I could do this again." Check in with me in a few more weeks =)
So I'll leave you be with the latest picture, take care!
26 weeks and a few odd days along!
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