Sunday, November 8, 2009

16 Weeks

Emily has now reached 16 weeks of age!

For the first time this week, she has rolled over from her back to her belly, yet can't get back the way she came. All of her 0-3 month clothes have been packed away...with a few outfits being kept for the cuteness factor. She talks constantly and likes to hold on to toys. At her appointment at 14 weeks she was almost 13 pounds and 24 inches long.

She still can't get her clock straight, thought she sleeps all night, night starts at about 2am. I'm glad I work from home, I can't imagine having to get up, get her to a sitter and get myself to work. This week, on November 4th, her new best buddy joined the world: Caroline Elizabeth. We already have matching outfits for the girls, and it will be fun to take pictures. Hopefully they get along when they're older!

That's all for now!
